Random Notes on Unshare-based Containers

unshare(1) is part of util-linux that is pre-installed on literally every linux distros and can be utilized to provide "installation-free" lightweight containers. This article includes some notes and code snippets about this usage.

This software and the namespace functionalities in the kernel are still under rapid development. Linux kernel 4.17+ and util-linux 2.39+ are required to run the snippets.

Prepare an Arch container

mkdir arch && cd arch
pacstrap -KNP . pacman archlinux-keyring
rm var/cache/pacman/pkg/* # optional, save space

The -N option causes pacstrap to run inside a user namespace. If it reports errors like unshare: no line matching user "xxx" in /etc/subuid, run the following commands in the host system as root:

echo "$USER:65536:65536" >> /etc/subuid
echo "$USER:65536:65536" >> /etc/subgid

The $USER variable should be manually replaced with the user that are intended to be used to create the container because root privilege is required to edit these files and $USER will be subsequently become root.

Next, use the following command to edit pacman.conf to comment out the "CheckSpace" option, or pacman will complain that / is not mounted.

awk -i inplace '/^CheckSpace/{print "#"$0; next}{print}' etc/pacman.conf

Then add a simple script start.sh for starting the container:

> start.sh <<"EOF"
SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )

unshare -rm --map-auto --propagation slave bash -c "\
    mount -R /proc $SCRIPT_DIR/proc;\
    mount -R /dev $SCRIPT_DIR/dev;\
    mount --bind /etc/resolv.conf $SCRIPT_DIR/etc/resolv.conf;\
    mount -o nodev,nosuid,size=16G -t tmpfs tmpfs $SCRIPT_DIR/tmp;\
    mount -o nodev,nosuid,size=16G -t tmpfs tmpfs $SCRIPT_DIR/run;\
    export HOME=/root;\
    export SHELL=/usr/bin/bash;\
    export PATH=/usr/bin;\
    chroot $SCRIPT_DIR $*"

chmod +x start.sh

The first command actually starts with >. Some may add a useless cat in front of it to feel better. The double quotes around EOF prevents shell from expanding the variables before writing to the file.

Now we can enter the container with by running start.sh.

Prepare and run sshd

Inside container:

pacman -S openssh
ssh-keygen -A
awk -i inplace '/^#Port 22/{print "Port 3922"; next}{print}' /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Inside host system in the container folder:

mkdir root/.ssh
cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root/.ssh/authorized_keys

./start.sh /usr/bin/sshd

The --map-auto option of unshare in start.sh is important because sshd uses setgid and will fail due to insufficient privilege if the user namespace is not mapped.

Now the container can be accessed by:

ssh root@localhost -p 3922

Save container into an image

Run in the host system inside the container folder. The image file is saved adjacent to the container folder.

export XZ_OPT="-e -T 0"
tar -cJvf ../image.tar.xz .
sha256sum ../image.tar.xz

Instantiate an image into a container

mkdir container
tar xf image.tar.xz -C container

Prepare an Alpine container

The latest download link can be found at https://alpinelinux.org/downloads.

mkdir alpine && cd alpine
wget 'https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.18/releases/x86_64/alpine-minirootfs-3.18.0-x86_64.tar.gz'
tar xf *.tar.gz && rm *.tar.gz

> start.sh <<"EOF"
SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )

unshare -rm --map-auto --propagation slave bash -c "\
    mount -R /proc $SCRIPT_DIR/proc;\
    mount -R /dev $SCRIPT_DIR/dev;\
    mount --bind /etc/resolv.conf $SCRIPT_DIR/etc/resolv.conf;\
    mount -o nodev,nosuid,size=16G -t tmpfs tmpfs $SCRIPT_DIR/tmp;\
    mount -o nodev,nosuid,size=16G -t tmpfs tmpfs $SCRIPT_DIR/run;\
    export HOME=/root;\
    export SHELL=/bin/sh;\
    export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin;\
    chroot $SCRIPT_DIR $*"

chmod +x start.sh

touch etc/resolv.conf

Some of my containers

wget 'https://r2.ylxdzsw.com/arch.230601.tar.xz'   # 116M sha256sum 24ef32def517576a5f22b8f2fdc4577450fa31ab120448820ff0b636bdc6d6e4
wget 'https://r2.ylxdzsw.com/alpine.230601.tar.xz' # 2.6M sha256sum 39f31ede4d550c388c24b2eacb37d55f862d65b9ec106b480b6545ba1a841c0e
wget 'https://r2.ylxdzsw.com/pluto.230601.tar.xz'  # 132M sha256sum 6183b4b5fa71cc29f7269e5e700ebeec5dbd427003217ead2723d55f833c2e5d